

Upon entering the stone pillars of Westchester Day School, one drives along a meandering path through magnificent tall treetops, surrounded by lush foliage and lovely landscaping. 很快出现在你面前的是几所学校的建筑,注意力的焦点被吸引到一个庄严的, Tudor-style mansion with turrets and distinctive burnt-orange brickwork. 这座建筑是威瑟比家族的原始住所,建在康斯特布尔庄园, 占地26英亩,毗邻马马罗内克的东方角附近的长岛海峡. 它目前被用于中学教室、办公室、图书馆和WDS犹太教堂.

威彻斯特走读学校于1948年9月开业,从幼儿园到四年级共有54名男女学生. S. Maurice Plotnick, 一位毕业于剑桥的数学家和来自波士顿迈蒙尼德·叶史瓦的希伯来语学者被选为校长. Mr. 普洛特尼克建立了教育传统,促进了犹太教和通识研究的最高标准, which emphasized the "Torah Im Derech Eretz" approach to learning. He was headmaster for over three decades until his official retirement in 1981.

“威彻斯特走读学校是我们国家新时代的乐观先驱. 这是美国犹太人充满活力并将继续生存下去的最切实的象征. With the growth of this school, 强大而真实的一代将会诞生——他们拥有内在的信念和知识,只有这些才能保证我们的活力." - S.M. Plotnick, Headmaster, 1949

To understand Westchester Day School in a historical perspective, we need to return to 1947, at a time when there was no Jewish elementary school in Westchester. A group of individuals met with Rabbi David Golovensky, 他是新罗谢尔贝斯埃尔神庙的精神领袖,他认为有必要建立一个机构,让犹太儿童可以接受更好的犹太教育 & General Studies. Mr. 对犹太人事业感兴趣的房地产投资者莫蒂默·普罗普(Mortimer Propp)应邀担任顾问. It can be said that “the rest is history.”

At Mr. Propp’s suggestion, 该集团从韦瑟比家族手中购买了26英亩的土地以及建筑和家具. 威彻斯特走读学校以威彻斯特宗教学院的名义成立. However, 这块土地的历史可以追溯到1661年,当时约翰·里奇贝尔(John Richbell)从西瓦诺伊印第安人手中买下了它,作为一块更大土地的一部分.

After Richbell died, his widow, Ann, sold most of the property to Caleb Heathcote, with the land passing on to Heathcote’s surviving daughters and their husbands. 1848年,土地被细分,大片土地被出售,土地几经易手. 1884年,艾米·亨丽埃塔·康斯特布尔·威瑟比成为了庄园的主人. She and her husband owned the fashionable Fifth Avenue emporium, Arnold Constable, that until 1971 had a branch store on Main Street in New Rochelle. This Constable Weatherbee estate was to become the Westchester Day School.

In 1965, to accommodate the growing student body, a new wing was erected which contained eight additional classrooms, a library, science lab, cafeteria and teachers’ lounge. 这个侧翼被称为沃尔夫森大厅,以纪念英国的所罗门和内莉·沃尔夫森.   Bette Wolfson Schapiro and her husband, Harold, whose son and grandsons attended WDS, provided the major gift for the building. Sir Isaac Wolfson, the Anglo-Jewish leader and philanthropist and brother of Bette, attended the dedication of Wolfson Hall, together with Lord Caradon, then British Ambassador, to the U.N.

激发了威彻斯特走读学校创始人的愿景继续激励着今天的一代. The school continues to offer excellence in both its Judaic and General Studies. In addition, kindness, 同理心和对国家和社区的承诺是学校努力培养就读这所优秀学府的学生的品质.

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.